2020年的PeaceBox 祝福大行動 已經在 2月27日正式關始收集物資再轉贈基層社區。今年更為了方便各區有心人能方便放坑疫時間將物資帶到物資收集點,在全港九新界設置總共近100個收集點!期望大眾在抗疫期間仍能伸出關愛之手,將祝福透過物資轉逹到有需要的人仕。
PeaceBox 2020 has started on 27-Feb-2020 to collect supplies for the underprivileged. We have about 100 collection points this year for the public to donate their supplies. We wish the public will connect together and give helping hands to the needy!
Moreover, for those who won't able to take supplies to collection points, we have partnered with a social enterprise for an online donation platform. You can donate a preset supply pack with a price of $150 (adult or children, the face value for the items are worth $250), and it will deliver to the supples collection points directly, which makes it so much easier for people to involve in this meaningful campaign while stay home safely during the epidemic.
Only if we slow down and take a look at our surroundings, we will notice that our community has such great needs. Salute to all the kind volunteers putting their love in action, giving out blessing, love and hope to the needy.
